10 Easy Concrete Project You Can Do At Home

If you’re a do-it-yourself kind of person, you can start a concrete project of your own. The concrete is versatile and can be shaped into anything you like. One such project is creating a fire pit, which is something anyone can do. This DIY project can be done at home with a guide from Hometalk. The step-by-step instructions will make the process a breeze.

To make this project, you will need a two-by-four piece of wood (or similar) to use as a strikeoff. The concrete will flow better through a wooden form if you work batch-by-batch. A two-person team will be more efficient at leveling narrow forms, and a third person can shovel the excess concrete into the corners and sides of the forms.

Another concrete project is to create a concrete candle. This simple DIY project is an excellent way to make a candle or an upside-down foam number. It will also look awesome in a garden, as the grass will grow inside. If you have a garden, you can create concrete planters to decorate your flower beds or other areas. If you want to get more creative, you can even use old chairs or stools as concrete tabletops.



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