How To Repair Old Concrete Driveway

There are a variety of different methods for how to repair an old concrete driveway. While most of the time a crack is a temporary solution, larger ones may be a sign of a bigger issue. The causes of the cracks can include roots growing under the concrete or leaky pipes. In some cases, the only option is to replace the entire driveway. For these reasons, a professional installer is your best bet.

The first step to repairing a cracked concrete driveway is to determine what caused it. If it’s simply due to a faulty control joint, caulking will do little to fix the problem. In other cases, the underlying problem may be an uneven or thin layer of concrete or a bad subgrade. Regardless of the cause, it’s possible to get a new, more beautiful driveway in a matter of hours.

After locating the problem area, a professional can apply the resurfacing concrete. It should be applied over the entire driveway, using a masonry blade at a 15 degree angle. The mixture should be the consistency of pancake batter. Once the mixture is applied, it should be soaked to prevent it from drying too fast. It’s a great way to make your driveway look new again. In many cases, you can do this job yourself, and save yourself some money in the process.



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